Collaborative Remote Automated Test Environment
Cybersecurity Testing Platform for Automotive and Medical Devices
For compliance with cybersecurity regulations worldwide
Revolutionizing testing of automotive, medical, and IoT devices
Security test automation for lower costs and faster results
Comply to Regulations & Standards While Saving Time, Costs, and Improving Security
- Designed for compliance including: FDA, MDR, Cybersecurity Resilience Act, ISO SAE 21434, UN R-155, ISO IEC 62443
- Types of testing include validation, vulnerability, and penetration testing
- Secure remote test access for large systems that cannot be transported
- Shift left! Find vulnerabilities sooner and lower costs for remediation
- Broad array of interfaces supported: Ethernet, USB, Wifi, Bluetooth, CAN, JTAG
- Highly portable with integrated power supply to make setups easy
Multiple CRATE Hardware Options to Meet Your Feature Requirements & Budget
High-end offering
Flexible for Various Setups Including:
- Single ECU, Hardware in the Loop, Full system/vehicle
Automotive Ethernet & CAN Software Test Suites
- Includes ISO-TP and UDS tests
A balance of features and cost
Bluetooth Software Test Suite
- Significantly reduces time to complete testing
Very Broad Set of Interfaces Supported
- USB, Wifi, Bluetooth, JTAG, CAN, Ethernet, Automotive Ethernet
Low Cost with Cloud-Based Testing
Lowest Cost & Smallest Form Factor
- But still highly integrated with internal power supply, Ethernet, CAN, JTAG, serial interfaces
- Software for direct access of multiple CRATE-H devices to easily scale to for many devices under test
Custom CRATE
Designed to your specification
Based on a flexible test platform
- Allows for development of customized CRATEs in short time frames
Customization options include
- I/O interface types, size, weight, and power consumption
Automation Software for Accelerating All Aspects of Security Testing
- All CRATEs support test automation software from Dissecto
- Includes over 100 tests for Bluetooth, Automotive Ethernet, DoIP, CAN, ISO-TP, UDS, and scanning
- Support both easy to use GUI and Linux command line interfaces to run tests
- Graphical output for power sensor and real time logs
Automated report generation
- User management for setting permissions for access to particular devices under tests
Securely Connect Penetration Testers to the Device Under Test Regardless of Location
Limited availability of penetration testers is a challenge that CRATE was designed to address.
Penetration Testing Services
BG Networks and our network of trusted partners offer world-class pentesting services using CRATE.
CRATE enables the lowest cost and shortest time-to-completion testing services possible.
Benefits of CRATE-Based Pentesting Services
- Full vehicle, HIL, or large medical device testing without testers coming on site
- Lower costs by leveraging pentesters located around the world
- Shorter pentests by making hardware-under-test accessible instantly and at all times
- Immediate demonstration of vulnerabilities with CRATE spectator mode
A First: Remote Bug Bounties
CRATE is the first platform to enable remote bug bounties for automotive, medical, and IoT devices. The ability to remotely access devices under test supports the many benefits of the crowdsourced testing approach that bug bounties offer.
No longer do bug bounty researchers need to travel to be co-located with the devices under test.
Benefits of Remote Bug Bounties:
- Enables 100s of security researchers to test your device
- Fast time-to-test for new releases of software
- Leverage the diversity of approaches that a large group of testers offer for finding vulnerabilities a small team might miss
- Complementary approach to penetration testing
Fuzz Testing Automation
- Automated fuzzing tools available for standard network interfaces
- Short time to testing: Begin testing right after setup
- Enables security testing much earlier in CI/CD development
- Testing can begin before cryptographic features (signing, encryption, etc..) are implemented
Standards, Laws, Regulations
CRATE was developed to address the increased cybersecurity testing that new standards and regulations are demanding, including:
- R.155
- ISO/SAE 21434
- FDA Refuse to Accept
- EU Cyber Resilience Act
CRATE helps solve the challenge of increased security testing without significantly increasing testing personnel or budgets.
Contact us for a demonstration of CRATE.
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